1 year ago

A song YAH wrote through me in this season of chastisement and purification.

I have struggled a lot this year with many things that I thought were dead. Idols, anger, doublemindedness, lust etc...

I also greive daily for those close to me that refuse to repent and can't see the writing on the wall.

YAH will NOT take second place. You cant serve two masters, you'll love one and, hate the other!!! Shalom

REPENT YESHUA is at the door!


Somedays I'm one foot in,
others I'm one foot out.
Daughter I beg you to get it together
or I'm gonna spit you out!
Why do I struggle with the need
to go back to Mitsrayim?
what's back there for me?
but bondage, evil, and idolatry

Oh ABBA please deliver me
Oh ABBA please s deliver me
Oh ABBA please deliver me

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and through the mess of my life
YESHUA is the only TRUTH my entire past was a lie!
Why can't the people see
whata right in front of their eyes!
Oh yeah I guess I forgot satans blinded them with his lies!
and everyday I cry, and everyday I cry, and everyday i cry (i ain't gonna lie), everyday i cry!


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