Star Wars: Rogue One - Darth Vader

1 year ago

As the end of the battle of Scarif is near, Tarkin asks the Imperial Lord to come and stop the rebel ships from retreating. At the battle's end, Vader's Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, the Devastator, arrives and opens fire upon the rebel space crafts. After Captain Shaef Corssin tells him that the rebel flagship known as the Profundity has been disabled, but has received a transmission from the planet's surface, with the stolen Death Star plans, Vader takes a few Stormtroopers and boards the ship. As he enters a room, Vader proceeds to brutally cut down and choke surrounding Rebel Troopers in his attempt to reach the plans, but ultimately a few rebels escape with the plans to Princess Leia Organa aboard the Tantive IV.

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