"OnFire Cafe" Paul's Letters to Philippi & Colossae

2 years ago

#OnFireCafe, #scripturestudy, #BookofPhilippians, #BookofColossians,
The Letters of Paul: From Paul to the church at Philippi and
From Paul to the church at Colossae
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The “OnFire Cafe” Book Club series "The Study of Scripture". Come Study with us as we present our new Narration Series. Join us here for The Letters of Paul. We begin The Book of Philippians, The Letter to the Church at Philippi. We follow that with The Book of Colossians, The Letter to the Church at Colossae.

We will be reviewing the Great Epistles Book of Philippians Chapters 1-4 and the Captivity Epistles Book of Colossians 1-4.

In the letter to the Church at Philippi we will look at Paul's Circumstance, the fight for faith, preservation of unity, work for salvation, the true way of Christian salvation, last advice and thanks to the church.

In the letter to the church at Colossae we will look at Christ as the head of creation, Colossians share in Salvation, Paul's labors in service of the gentiles, Paul's concern for colossians faith, Warning against errors, new faith in Christ, False teachings, Christ as head of humanity and the angels, False Asceticism, principles of this world, glorified Christ, rules of Christian behavior, morals of the household and aposolic spirit.

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