Harpal Brar and Caleb Maupin: How the Russian Revolution changed the world

2 years ago

Harpal Brar discusses the signifigance of the October revolution with Caleb Maupin, chaired by Joti Brar deputy leader of the Communist party.

0:00 Introduction - Joti
1:18 International significance of the October revolution - Harpal
5:16 American workers & October - Caleb.
8:11 Britain & the October revolution.
9:52 Third World reaction to the October revolution. The right of Nations to self-determination. Bourgeois hypocrisy. Xinjiang. National liberation struggles - Harpal
18:22 October and Internationalism. Social justice - Caleb
22:09 October and Internationalism. October and social justice - Joti
23:14 Building a new society. Women’s emancipation under socialism versus capitalism. - Harpal
30:25 Industrialisation. Socialism works! - Caleb
35:35 Read More. Some good books - Joti
38:00 USSR and the world revolution - Harpal
49:15 Revolution in the East - Caleb
56:00 Lenin’s internationalism - Harpal
1:04:40 A party of a new type (What is to be done?) - Caleb
1:10:00 Without a revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement - Harpal


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