要惧怕主!地狱是真实的!(finalcall07)Fear the Lord - HELL IS REAL - My Testimony

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/jgSwpyQBwYc

2013年2月9日 Originally posted by finalcall07(Jan Boshoff)

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/finalcall07

Visit him at: http://www.finalcall07.com

为什么信徒们不停地犯罪,为什么他们过着取悦自我的生活,是因为他们不惧怕上帝,是因为他们不认识耶稣。我曾经也是这样,直到1998年7月28日的早晨,我的心脏病突发,我死了。我那时是基督徒,并且在水中受过洗,也受了圣灵的洗礼,会说方言,每天晚上都会祷告。我是一个“好”基督徒,但我却发现我正在去往地狱的路上。我进入了一个非常深的黑洞,而且我心里非常清楚,我回不来了,我非常明白,我正在去往地狱的路上。于是我请求耶稣说:“主!请让我回去吧!请让我回去吧!”但是我没有什么可以献给他的。在我沿着黑洞继续向下的过程,我看到了我的小儿子站在我的坟墓前,我知道一切都结束了。然而我继续恳求说:“主啊,请让我回去吧!请让我去告诉人们:地狱是真的!他们必须要悔改,来侍奉你!“ 于是上帝让我回来,耶稣让我回来,来警告这个世界,来警告你:朋友,你必须惧怕上帝。


我惧怕上帝,我敬畏上帝超过一切,我惧怕他!耶稣说:“不要惧怕那些杀害人的身体后再也无计可施的人。 我告诉你们应该惧怕谁,要惧怕上帝——祂有权终结人的生命,并把人丢在地狱里。” 我们要惧怕耶稣。我不惧怕死亡,我会再次死去。但是我惧怕死后所发生的事。所以我想在耶稣下一次来带走我灵魂的时候,做好准备。我不想再次进入那个黑洞,我想有所准备,我现在也在警告你:朋友,惧怕上帝!惧怕耶稣!顺服他的话语!如果你见妇女就动了淫念,你在心里已经犯了通奸罪,你会下入地狱。“



The reason why believers go on sinning and live their lives to please themselves is because they do not fear God, It is because they do not know Jesus. I was also like that until one morning July 28, 1998. I had a heart attack. I was a Christian, I was baptized in water, baptized in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, praying every night. I was a "good" Christian but I found myself on my way to hell.

I was going down a deep black hole and I knew I was not coming back. I KNEW I was on my way to hell. And I pleaded with Jesus. I said:"Lord, Please let me come back! Please let me come back!" I had nothing to offer. While going down that black hole I saw my young son standing at my grave and I knew it WAS THE END. But I pleaded, I said:"Lord, please let me come back! Please let me go and tell people that HELL IS REAL, that they must repent and serve Thee." And God let me come back, Jesus let me come back to come and warn the world, to come and warn you. Friend, you must fear God.
You must obey Jesus, you must live to please Him. You cannot live to please yourself, you cannot live like the world, you will perish! You will go into hell. I was a Christian, I was a good Christian. Jesus wants total obedience to His words, total devotion. You cannot serve God halfheartedly, you have got to FEAR HIM. You cannot go on sinning, YOU WILL PERISH IN HELL.
I fear God. I fear God above everything else, I fear Him! Jesus said:"Do not fear those who can kill you and after that they can do nothing but FEAR HIM who after He has killed has the power to throw into hell." That is Jesus. I don't fear death, I will die again but I fear what will happen after death and I want to be prepared the next time that Jesus comes to fetch me. I don't want to go down that black hole again. I want to be ready! I am warning you, my friend, fear God!
Fear Jesus, OBEY His words. If you look at a woman to desire her you have already committed adultery in your heart and you will perish in hell. Those are the words of Jesus. That is how serious He is about sin! You might say:"I am not an adulterer, I have never committed adultery but if you look at a woman to desire her you are an adulterer in the eyes of God. Fear God, my friend, FEAR GOD, REPENT, STOP SINNING, BE HOLY or else you will perish!
It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. I fear Him and that is why I am hear to warn you, FEAR THE LORD, OBEY HIM, STOP SINNING, LIVE HOLY or you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.

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