Trump FRAMED for Vaccine Injuries & Deaths from 'unknown causes' Alberta's Top Killer - #71

2 years ago

We cover some major stories on this episode and proof that more of our predictions are [unfortunately] coming true. The vaccine injuries and deaths can no longer be censored nor hidden. It's obvious and everyone knows it. The CDC is trying to get ahead of the "House Report" coming out next week and you see tons of people jumping ship before then (including Dr. Anthony Fauci). The propaganda arm of the U.S. Government, also known as "the mainstream media", is beginning to plant the seeds of blaming the vaccine injuries on President Trump, as predicted.
Top athletes from all sports (i.e. biking, soccer, etc) are having 'heart complications' and fatigue at unprecedented rates. Additionally, deaths with 'unknown causes' has become the top killer in Alberta, Canada for the first time. It's not that we can see the future on this podcast, but rather taking the time to read the real enemies game plan, which has always been public if anyone wanted to do their own research. For example, if you just looked at the "SPARS Pandemic" document you would clearly see that we have been perfectly 'on track' with a plan that our Government shared 5-months prior to the pandemic.
However, on a good note, we are seeing more "Truth Telling Warriors" join the fight like Michael Schellenberger and Megyn Kelly join the fight. It's good to have you both on Team Human! :)

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