2 years ago

The Power Hour Nation Thursday, November 15, 2018

We return to Dealey Plaza for the 6th Annual JFK Conference with Judyth Vary Baker author of Lee and Me. You are invited to attend to set the record straight. Christ said the truth would set us free. If the truth of the assassination or 911 became the official record, then the spell would be broken. The deep state and their media Mandarins would lose their grip over us. Power Hour Nation will bring the truth home to you. Fasten your seat belts and duck and cover as we make the turn into history.

The assassination plots to kill Castro and President Kennedy became part of Judyth Vary Baker life as she found herself working in cancer research, met and fell in love with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald, was a deep-cover intelligence agent framed for the assassination of Kennedy – connect some of the dots today and throw out what the media has told you previously. Judyth has written a book entitled “Me and Lee” in which she documents and chronicles what really happened.

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