Divorcee Sam Seder & the REAL Democrat Insurrection

2 years ago

#insurrection #majorityreport #bipolar #samseder #blacklviesmatter

The REAL Insurrection in America is the defunding/elimination or intimidation of the police (Ferguson Effect), the letting loose of violent criminals/career criminals, the prohibition of lawful private possession of firearms & the prohibition of defending oneself against criminals.

Sam Seder, the toady divorcee supports all those things. The Dumocrats want a society where the only people armed are the career thugs, the rank-and-file, Joe-Six-Packs cannot defend themselves & there's no police to help you out. If you do defend yourself, they plan to put you in prison. That's the REAL Insurrection.




Will the divorcee Sam Seder debate James Patrick Holding on the Impossible Faith or will Sam Seder bow out as he did in marriage? #samsederwontdebateJPH https://www.tektonics.org/lp/nowayjose.php

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