The Enfield Monster - Three Legged Creature Spotted in Enfield Illinois in 1973

2 years ago

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Have you ever experienced anything beyond the ordinary? Ghost sightings? UFOs? Bigfoot? Angels? The After Life? Talking spaghetti? Anything that is unexplained? Whatever your true story is, as long as it's mysterious and almost impossible to believe, TELL me YOUR STORY!
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Here are some acceptable examples I was abducted by aliens... I saw a UFO... Bigfoot stalked me in the forest... My dad worked for Area 51... I saw the ghost of Michael Jackson... You know the kind of stories I'm talking about.
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This video contains my very own, very personal, account of events that took place in the 2000's
All the photos in this video were found on UnSplash which offers free photos, I will provide the links soon.
The music in this video is called Ghosting and was written and produced by Kerin Gedge, which happens to be me! I will provide a link to it for download when I can.
Today’s tale was brought to my attention by YouTuber Kapn Krome who suggested I look into the mystery of what has become known as the Enfield Monster of Enfield Illinois in the United State.
In April 1973 a man by the name of Henry McDaniel was confronted with the sound of something scratching at his front door.
When he looked outside he saw something that he thought might be a bear, so taking a gun and flashlight he went out into the night to face the creature. However, the creature he would encounter was not a bear. Instead, standing between two rose bushes was something incredibly unexpected. Standing about 4 and a half feet tall was a grayish coloured being that stood on three legs, with large pink eyes the size of flashlights, and brandishing two small arms. Almost human like in shape were it not for the extra leg and strange eyes.
McDaniel fired four shots at strange beast, successfully scoring a hit. The creature hissed at McDaniel in much the same way a wildcat would before taking off in the direction of a railway, clearing a distance of 50 feet in no less than 3 jumps.
Henry McDaniel notified the police who upon investigating discovered evidence of footprints near the McDaniel’s home, almost dog like, except with 6 toe pads instead of 5. The police had no cause to blame Henry’s account on insanity or alcohol, his reporting of the incident had been rational and sober.
This second encounter sparked a search party, which included the radio station’s news director. Later that day they too encountered what they described as an “apelike” creature standing in an abandoned building near McDaniel’s house.
Find out more by watching the video!
Has anything like this ever happened to you?
Please share your experience with me by following the link in the description below, or simply write to me at
Read the original Quora story here
#TellYourTale #GhostStories #KerinGedge

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