4 years ago

KINDNESS. COMPASSION. EMPATHY. Are these the make of the new work force? Or THE BUZZ WORDS of an unachievable dream?

Kindness is something we learned in kindergarten. Kindness is something we learned from Thumper’s mother in the Bambi movie.
Kindness is the bedrock of most human relationships.
Kindness demands selflessness, focus on others and attention to emotional needs of others.
Kindness sometimes requires hard work on the part of those giving it.

The work force demands focus on your job and the task at hand.
The work force demands work ethic - show up early or on time, stay late, work hard, keep your nose to the grind stone.
The work force demands high standards, hard expectations and severe consequences for missing them.
The work force can be a dog eat dog world.

How then do we propose a focus on others which will be kind, compassionate and beyond ourselves?

How do we DO KINDNESS in a rough scrabble world of competition and struggle to get ahead?

How do we exhibit kindness as leaders when the intensely focused and driven people seem be the greatest achievers?

Of course I have some ideas on that which I will share tomorrow BUT I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!

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