I'm too sexy for this video-What women find sexy

4 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5mtclwloEQ I’m too sexy Music video

http://www.magforwomen.com/8-things-that-make-a-man-sexy/. Link to article

Aiza’s YouTube channel Fil-Am Essence

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https://youtu.be/eyW4kS06USk How to earn a Filipina’s Respect Part 1
https://youtu.be/xKgazcSpiMs How to earn a Filipina’s Respect Part 2
https://youtu.be/K-R6CudfNfQ How to earn a Filipina’s Respect Part 3

Which of these do you have going for you? All 8? Well, probably not all of them, but I think it’s worth noting that it takes a lot more than being ripped to appeal to a woman, if they say so. Let me know what you think about these eight sexually appealing qualities to women. If you are a woman, please let me know if you agree. If you are a man, tell me if you agree or if any of these are unreasonable or you don’t think they should matter.

When I was single, I frequently came across women on dating sites talking about how important it was to have a sense of humor. While that is important, there is this thing about getting bills paid that matters too. I suppose what is humorous to one woman might not be to another one so you’ll just have to see how it goes. I certainly didn’t intend to crack jokes with a date as I tend to be a serious guy but I agree that being able to show a sense of humor helps. There were times when so many women said a sense of humor was important to them that it make me irritated. While I think it’s nice, it seems to me to not be such an important thing.

Another one on the list that I don’t really understand is number 5-mystery. “If he is like this open book, we’ll simply end up getting bored with him. A man doesn’t have to reveal everything about himself. But he should definitely be prepared to surprise us often with the things he does.” I am fortunate I married who I did because I don’t think being mysterious is important to her.

A third aspect was a good person and the comment that “we women may find bad boys hot, but in the long run, nothing can compete with a kind and clean hearted man.” Why wait until the long run? Why not go for Mr. Hearted Man right away?
I don’t think the author is saying that letting yourself go isn’t important, that physical appearance doesn’t matter because it does. It seemed to me that when a woman is younger these characteristics could get overlooked, but I am just showing you what the article said-Sense of humor, intellect, maturity, smile, mystery, talks less-listens more, being a good person contribute to making a man sexy in the eyes of a woman.

I hope this gives you some confidence if you are considering a relationship with a Filipina or a woman from anywhere else. Are you too sexy to be single? Then subscribe to this channel and put your charms to good use and maybe find love beyond the sea.

#filipina #philippines #whatwomenfindsexy

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