世人被彻底洗脑,正在幻觉中走向地狱(WarningThePeople )The Brainwashed World Stuck in Fantasy and Heading for HELL

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/LQcpPWCbGrU

2022年8月25日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

油管频道Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople




by WarningThePeople





The Brainwashed World Stuck in Fantasy and Heading to Hell
The world is completely brainwashed, to them Jesus Christ is fictional, He is just another character in a book. He is like any other movie actor. The world clings onto ideas and stories that are fictional. They chase after every new book that comes out from their favorite author, they watch every new film and they are completely addicted to fiction and fantasy. But as disciples of Jesus we hold onto Jesus, we hold onto the TRUTH. We don’t chase after fiction and fantasy and made-up stories. If you want to know the truth you have to come into the truth. Jesus Himself IS the Truth, He is the Way and He is the Life. This world is going to perish in their fantasies and in their fiction and in their falsehood. Satan has this world in his grips and it’s all heading to hell. Are you with Jesus Christ, are you one of the few that are on the straight and narrow path to everlasting life? Are you in the hands of Jesus Christ? Or are you in the hands of the devil? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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