Avini Health Testimonies from 8/16/2022 & 8/23/2022

2 years ago

Avini Health is a company with products that have clearly improved the health of many. Yet Avini Health as a company is very new, the products by Rik Deitsch have been changing people's health for over 2 decades. Many of us have followed Rik's products wherever they go; finally Rik Deitsch and his team have put together a company like no other. Yes, we have a seasoned CEO Neil Roth, a seasoned Vice President of Sales, Doug Dickey, and both have had amazing product testimonies created by Rik. Our Master Distributor, Marcy Littlejohn and her husband Chip Littlejohn owe Marcy's life to Rik's products. Her doctors said it was too late for them to help her. These are the type of stories we have heard for many years now. We also have a seasoned individual, Heath Burrell running our Customer Service. There is none better at that job, as most of us have know Heath also for many years. Along with leadership is Dave Johnson, who left his last company as the top income earner for at least 30 years. Why would he do something like that? Simple, due to a serious health condition that Rik's liquid zeolite product corrected without surgery or chemotherapy, Dave got his health back. Do you see a pattern here, I hope so. Anyone looking for products that change lives should consider checking Avini Health out. Our compensation plan is simple, and is the best I have ever seen in all of my 30 plus years in Network Marketing. Last, but not least my enroller and good friend for over 20 plus years Robben West who hosts our testimony call that I assist in recording on Zoom. Please contact the person that shared this video with you to learn more about us. You can otherwise contact me thru my website at www.AviniHealth.com/Wellness4U (Howard & Judy Smith)

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