Sam Seder debunked on trangenderism & student loan forgiveness/handouts

2 years ago

Sam Seder is really compassionate, especially when he does not pay the cost. He favors taxpayers like myself & my boss subsidizing the failure of other folks.

Many of these people got useless degrees (sociology), took 6 years to get a 4-year degree, dropped out of school but still accumulated debt or are working a job that doesn't require a degree.

And Sam Seder wants you to pay for that. All these people were irresponsible adults, ADULT being the key word.

Many woke nutjobs in the Regressive wing of the Democrat Party want minors (MINOR being the key word) to be able to consent to surgeries that massacre their genitals, get double mastectomies, etc.

Makes sense, eh?

Sam Seder has yet to debate James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith #samseder #majorityreport #samsederwontdebateJPH

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