America listen to OUR conservative movement(repost)

1 year ago

Unfortunately, another repost, we must not forget to stand united and fight together. That can be doing many things. The most important thing is to pray for our country and how lost it is becoming. We have too many people turning away from God and patriotism we once knew is slowly fading. We must protect that. If we don't pray and help spread the Gospel, our country is doomed. With all of this troubling news we must not forget that God is with us and will never forsake us. We all don't deserve the forgiveness from God, but he gives it too us anyway. Come as you are but don't stay as you are. If we don't try to change ourselves from our sinful paths, we won't be able to fight for what we believe in. God bless you and don't give up on this fight.

-The son of this channels main host, Benjamin

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