Code Challenge Review February 2020 | In March we are building a game in JavaScript!

4 years ago

The February coding challenge can be found here:

Level 1 - Encode a string

Use JavaScript or PHP to encode a string
This could either be a command or a web page that converts a given string to a hashed string
If it's a command then the first argument should be the string you want to encrypt.
If it's a webpage you can pass the string in the query string.
Web request
Or command
$ ./hashthis.php helloworld
Level 2 Add the hashed string to a text file

Create a new line in a text file for every hashed string
Level 3 Validate the clear text string

Create a HTML form that posts a string for validation
Validate the submitted string against the hashes in the text file
Loop over existing hashes in the text file and verify that the submitted string exist
Print the result to the page
If submitted string is valid then print out the decoded string and its hash

This month we had two challengers:

The march coding challenge can be found here:

#livecoder #howtocodewell #codereview

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