The Sacred Lighthouse | 4 - The terrarium of God

1 year ago

There are many proofs of God. I offer you this very simple yet very
telling explanation.


A battle wages all around us. It is the battle between good and evil. And, to the victor goes your soul.
The tactics of evil are manifold including confusion, obfuscation, disclarity, misinformation, manipulation, misdirection, and control.

It has taken a strong hold over us and we have been set off track; put onto a dark path that is not right for us.
A path that has lead us away from the true meaning and purpose of being human.

Don't get overly caught up in the material things of this world.
That path leads to emptiness.
That is not what life is about.
It is part of the deception.

Make time to see the truth in things.
Seek understanding of the real purpose and meaning of this gift we have been given.


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