Smith Wigglesworth & Biblical Meditation by Dr Michael H Yeager

1 year ago


*“It is as we feed on the Word and meditate on the message it contains, that the Spirit of God can vitalize that which we have received, and bring forth through us the word of knowledge that will be as full of power and life as when He, the Spirit of God, moved upon holy men of old and gave them these inspired Scriptures.”

*I said to God at every call I would obey Him, and I yielded, and yielded, and yielded, until I realized that I was simply clothed with another power altogether, and I realized that God took me, tongue, thoughts and everything, and I was not myself but it was Christ working through me.” How many of you today have known that God has called you over and over, and has put His hand upon you, but you have not yielded in every area of your life? How many of you have had the breathing of His power within you, calling you to prayer, or the MEDITATION of the word?

*The child of God ought to thirst for the Word. He should know nothing else but the Word and should know nothing among men save Jesus. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God.” It is as we feed on the Word and meditate on the message it contains.
Meditations Of Jesus Christ: Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood

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