Hazrat Behlol and Junaid al-Baghdadi

1 year ago

#Advice and wisdom
Bahlul asked Hazrat Junaid al-Baghdadi, Sheikh Sahib, do you know the manners of eating?
They said, Say Bismillah, eat in front of you, take a small bite, eat with straight hands, chew well, do not look at other's bite, remember Allah, say Alhamdulillah, wash your hands first and last.

Bahlul said, "You are the murshid of the people and do not know the manners of eating. He swept his feet and got up from there and walked forward."
Sheikh Sahib also went behind, the devotees insisted, Sir, he is crazy, but Sheikh Sahib then reached there and then saluted.

Bahlul answered the greeting and then asked who are you? Said Junaid Baghdadi who does not know the manners of eating. Bahlul asked if you know the manners of speaking well.

Yes, Alhamdulillah, speak according to the addressee, do not speak inappropriately, out of place and carelessly, take care of the outward and inward. Bahlul said food is food, you don't even know the manners of speaking, Bahlul then swept his skirt and walked a little further and sat down.

Sheikh Sahib then went there and saluted.
Bahlul answered the greeting, then asked the same question, who are you?
Sheikh Sahib said, Junaid Baghdadi who does not know the manners of eating and speaking. Bahlul told the good manners of sleeping?
He said that after Isha prayer, zikr and tasbih, surah and all manners mentioned in the hadiths. Bahlul said, "You don't even know that. You just wanted to get up and walk forward. Sheikh Sahib grabbed the leg and said, "If I don't know, then it is obligatory for you to tell me."

Bahlul said that the manners you are telling are part and the real thing is something else. The real thing is whether what you are eating is halal or haram. No matter how much manners you eat the haram morsel, it will only bring darkness to the heart, light and guidance. No, Sheikh Sahib said Jazak Allah.

Bahlul said that the essence of the word is that whatever you say, you should say it for the pleasure and pleasure of Allah.

The real thing about sleeping is that you should not sleep with malice or jealousy towards any believer or Muslim in your heart. ..!

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