Progressiveness Seeks To Destroy Economies & Countries & Caused 2008 Crash! Stop Chasing The Stick!

4 years ago

So who was it that forced the mortgage lenders to take on risky loans and sub-prime mortgages to address alleged social injustice?

We need to STOP chasing the PC stick & start throwing it. Liberalism is designed to destroy everything, even the very things that create sustain it.

Yes, we are on the back foot because we still hold some values, principles and things dear. The left have thrown everything they have and are into the big multiculti one world pot, so they have nothing to lose. They have no loyalty to kith, kin or country. They have already betrayed their very race and in many cases even their own gender!

The minute we take them seriously and chase the stick they throw, out of a knee kerk reaction, or self defense we lose.

We may not say that a virus that originated in China came from China! For various reasons the WHO is indebted to China and now act as the Chinese Communist party's propaganda dept.

Ironically, the fact is that China is 91% homogeneous and therefore referring to the country is referring to the race? Same with Africa. Does that mean that because Europe is now so racemixed, when one refers to the continent that is the origin and homeland of White europeans, you are no longer referring to whites? So do whites no longer have a homeland?

Anti-Racism is not about racism, it is about the left gaining unfair advantage.

Like a dog that will chase a stick until it stops being thrown. It goes on until people grow a damn spine and even start throwing the stick for fun. They're never going to stop throwing until

It is now or never. Until we stop chasing the stick and start throwing it, our civilisation, culture and countries are doomed. I just hope that time comes sooner rather than later, because soon we will be a minority in our own countries then and it's going to be completely impossible to fix the problems.

If it is never...

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