Jab Update with Mike Adams. It's time to heal!

2 years ago

This is an update on all of the things including heavy metals we have found in the vaccines and the self-assembling nanotech in the clots that are being removed from vaccinated people who have passed away. Dan Bongino has realized what a terrible mistake he has made by getting jabbed and Mike Adams reaches out to him and others who have made the same mistake. Real research is being done on how to mitigate and possibly undo the detrimental effects. Mainstream science and the NIH will NOT look into this and therefore alternative researchers are how we will beat this. La Quinta Columna is a Spanish research group doing amazing work as well as a group of 60 scientists out of Germany all working to help heal humanity from this tragedy.

If you have been poisoned by these jabs eat raw healthy foods, get out into nature, love those around you and speak out against what you now know these jabs are and you will heal.

Here are a few more good doctors and researchers in this area.

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