More good things I've learned about my Filipina Wife

4 years ago

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My wife and I got married in seven weeks and five days from the time we met on line so we had not spent much time together before she immigrated here. I have learned a lot about her in the nearly five years we have been married. Watch the video for some additional things you might be able to relate to.

I am afraid to ask her what she has learned about me! That would require a lot of proof reading. I hope she has at least learned that I love her very much and need her so bad.

I always remind my pastor of the verse that says “Whoever finds a Filipina finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord”. Well of course I changed the words a little bit but the fact is marriage is God’s idea and a most wonderful thing, despite the spats and differences and frustrations it will bring to deal with now and then.

I would rather deal with that with a Filipina than anyone else. After being married to one, I now know what I have heard for decades-Filipinas make good wives. There is an overabundance to choose from on Christian Filipina if you are serious about proposing to one of them. You don’t have to look anywhere else.

I look forward to learning more about my Love Beyond The Sea!

#FilipinaWife #Filipina #Philippines

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