Why Married Sex is Better-Dr. PHILippines

4 years ago

Married sex is better in my opinion. Do you like sex? Sex is a good thing right? Dr. PHILippines believes so, but also knows there are situations where having sex can leave one feeling defeated, demoralized, insignificant and incapable of responding in the future.

Today, we are going to talk about the best context for sex, and I believe that to be marriage. You may have made a costly mistake in your past but it doesn’t have to be fatal. You can continue to kid yourself or you can take your medicine which is what Dr. PHILippines will prescribe you today. No kid gloves for this one. Leave a comment if you want to try to convince me that premarital sex is better than married sex.

I will argue in favor of marriage to my love beyond the sea.

#DrPHILippines #MarriageTalk #IntimateMatters

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