2 White SA Doctors with COVID19 Not Allowed to Self Quarantine, Arrested & Locked in TB MDR Hospital

4 years ago

See update to the story - they have suddenly been released! https://sa-news.com/update-two-covid19-positive-doctors-who-were-arrested-locked-in-tb-hospital-released-were-not-seen-by-a-doctor-had-to-take-own-temperatures/

#COVID19SouthAfrica State Sponsored #COVID19 Kidnappings have begun in SA where the ANC are exerting their extra totalitarian powers afforded them by the State of Disaster. Like in China, two white female doctors who tested positive for COVID19 but were asymptomatic, have been arrested, after a court order was obtained, at their house and forced into quarantine at a Limpopo multi-drug resistant tuberculosis hospital.
The guidelines say that if you’re positive but are asymptomatic or have mild disease, you can be quarantined at home which is what they were doing. However Vavi and other political leaders who are also COVID19 positive have not been treated this way?

They had previously been refused COVID19 testing as they had no travel history and were also forced to work without sufficient protective medical clothing.
Chairperson of the South African Medical Association (SAMA), Angelique Coetzee has written a strong open letter to the MEC for Health in Limpopo expressing their concern.

Dr Williams had flu like symptoms since 23 March but she was told by superiors to work on and was not tested until 29 March. She was first told by her superiors that she would not be tested because she did not travel overseas and was not in contact with anyone who did.
Drs Olivier and Williams who worked work at Mmametlhake Hospital in Mpumalanga, but lived in Limpopo informed the South African Medical Association that they were also not allowed to have patients tested for COVID-19 - even if they showed flu like symptoms, if the patients did not travel overseas or were in contact with someone who did. Something SA-News had said a month ago was a mistake.
The doctors told SAMA that they were told by superiors to send people home from hospital with medication for flu and cold, even when they possibly had COVID-19. The doctors said as a result of the Health Department not allowing them to be tested earlier, they are unsure when exactly they contracted COVID-19.

Dr Olivier spoke to Dr Phopi Ramathuba, MEC for Health in Limpopo, (recording in video), on the phone, explaining that although they are positive for COVID-19, they are not sick and are self isolating. Dr Ramathuba said to her that it won't matter if she is Bill Gates, if someone tests positive for COVID-19 in Limpopo, the person will be quarantined at a state hospital.
It also looks like the atrocious treatment of these 2 young state doctors is just the tip of the iceberg and that all hospitals in South Africa were caught unawares by this virus, with no proper protocol in place to safeguard doctors, nurses and the public against the spread of the virus on hospital premises.
Young state doctors, many in their first community service year - that is their first year after university - say they are working without protective equipment. Unions in the health sector say the same thing.

This is not an attempt to be alarmist if one considers what happened at the private St. Augustines hospital in Durban. St Augustine's emergency room was already closed because of widespread COVID-19 infection and all hospitals could very well shortly be infected and render most doctors, nurses and patients there sick. Three people died within 72 hours in the Netcare St Augustine hospital from COVID-19. According to the CEO of the Netcare group, Dr Richard Friedland, not one of the three showed any symptoms of COVID-19 when they were admitted. They also did not travel overseas or were in contact with anybody who tested positive for COVID-19. The doctor did not mention that the patients could have gotten COVID-19 in the hospital itself. It is also reported that 11 Healthcare workers at the hospital tested positive for COVID-19.

This total lack of preparedness and a strategy against COVID-19 could very well develop into a tragic situation in the coming 2 weeks if something is not urgently done, however given the ANC's obsession with plundering the state coffers and anti white racism, the state is simply not in a position to cope with any disaster, no matter how much money is thrown at the problem....

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