Am I Guilty of putting my Filipina Wife on a Pedestal? (Pedestalizing)

4 years ago

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Video to Link-29 Ways to prevent your Filipina from becoming Americanized

Who is the prize, the foreigner or the Filipina?

How to praise your Filipina wife

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Am I guilty of pedestalizing, or putting my Filipina wife on a pedestal? If I was, is that such a bad thing? Pleases subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea, and support this channel with liking the video, making comments and getting notifications for upcoming videos. Since I have a channel devoted to love and relationships with Filipinas, I thought this term that MrE brought up in a video was worth talking about.

Leave a comment in YouTube or the Community Corner at linked in the description box. I would expect some feedback with a video such as this. I will include a playlist of his featured videos also in the description box, right at the top. Here is a quote of his from a prior video-

I strongly believe in self-improvement concepts that are provided by the red-pill.
I believe the key to attraction is self-improvement and becoming the man you want to be and not pedestalizing women. By not pedestalizing women; women will be more attracted to you.
As you are a man who can stand on his own and doesn't need anyone. That is not to say I believe in the approach of Men Going Their Own Way or their philosophy. End quote

I admit I think very highly of my wife and I appreciate her very much and I endeavor to express that to her, but if someone does that, are they pedestalizing-putting her on a pedestal?

I asked him for clarification on pedestalizing-
When I say not to pedestalize women is; you as a man make her work for it and realize you are the prize, not her (I expect to be flamed for this statement). While this may sound contrary to what you do; it isn't. You never give a woman everything; she has to earn it (where is the challenge in her eyes?). Women contrary to popular belief don't like men who are "too nice" and shower them with gifts, affection etc., all in the effort to win them over (bribing).

What they are more attracted to is "who you are" and how you as a man can bring her into your orbit (your frame) not the other way around (being a beta orbiter). Men are supposed to be the leaders! Thus you never change who you are for any woman (anyone for that matter) just so she likes you. Be happy with what you got and who you are!

Put bluntly, pedestalizing is giving women unearned/undeserved respect, love and attention just for simply existing. You never give a woman un-deserved respect/love just for existing, respect/attention/love is earned; this also applies in marriage as well (so don't think you're in the clear either).

In other words with our simp example; he does everything he can to please a woman, yet she has zero respect for him and she doesn't reciprocate in kind. The simp believes that showering her with gifts and giving her undeserved attention is the key to her heart and she will love him for it. Healthy relationships don't work like that, that is what we call being a sucker and she will exploit that at every opportunity.

By solely defining yourself or fully devoting yourself and having that woman be your identity how are you supposed to lead the relationship? If you don't have respect for yourself and who you are; how is she supposed to respect you as the leader/ the video for more thoughts from MrE as well as my own.

I admit to wanting to be a great blessing to the woman who became my love beyond the sea!


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