Jesus Took Our Place on the Cross - Substitutionary Atonement with Barabbas (Matthew 27:15-26)

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4 years ago

Jesus took our place on the cross and His substitutionary atonement is demonstrated beautifully when He died in the place of Barabbas, a notorious sinner. Matthew 27:26, says, "Then Pilate released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified." I’d like you to put yourself in Barabbas’s place. When the guards came to get him, what do you think he thought…and didn’t think? He thought, “This is the time for me to be punished.” He didn’t, “This is the time for me to be released.”

What do you think the guards said to him? Maybe something like, “Barabbas, you’re a guilty, evil man. You deserve to be punished, but you’re going to be released b/c Jesus of Nazareth is going to die in your place and receive the punishment you deserve.” The cross Jesus died on was probably the cross intended for Barabbas. John MacArthur said, “More than likely the two men Jesus died between were Barabbas’ buddies in crime.”

The whole situation probably does – and rightfully so – bother us, because a guilty, evil man went unpunished, and an innocent, righteous Man received the punishment the guilty man deserved. But when I put it in these terms, what does it look like? The Gospel! As much as this offends us, this is exactly what happens every time sinful people repent and put their faith in Christ.

If the Gospel is ever illustrated, it must look unfair and unjust. It must have the innocent being punished, and the guilty being freed because that is exactly what happens with the Gospel.

Jesus took the punishment Barabbas deserved, just like He takes the punishment we deserve. We say Jesus died in our place, and He did spiritually speaking. We know He didn’t die in our place physically because we still die. But we have an account in Scripture of Jesus dying in someone’s place physically! We say Jesus hung on the cross that belonged to me. He took the punishment my sins deserve. His righteousness became my righteousness. My unrighteousness became His unrighteousness. His death resulted in my freedom And this is true, but Barabbas could say these words in a way that nobody else could throughout all history.

Here's the accompanying podcast:

Sermon Lessons for Jesus Took Our Place on the Cross

Lesson 1: ________________ ____________________ the Jews would reject Jesus and choose Barabbas (Zech 11:12¬15; Mark 15:7).

Lesson 2: The Jews hated Jesus more than they hated:
• (Part I) ________________ (Matt 27:21).
• (Part II) ______________________ (Matt 27:22–23; Deut 21:23 cf. Gal 3:13).
• (Part III) _____________ (John 19:12–15).
Lesson 3: The Jews __________ the __________, "Jesus Son of the Father" (John 8:42–44; Matt 27:26).
Lesson 4: ____ ______ Barabbas (Matt 27:22).

Family Worship Guide for for Jesus Took Our Place on the Cross

Memory Verses: Matthew 27:22

Day 1: Zec 11:15-16, Matt 27:18-23, Mark 15:7, and discuss: How was Barabbas like the foolish shepherd mentioned in Zechariah? Why did Pilate choose Barabbas to exchange for Jesus? How was he surprised by the people's choice? How was their choice a reflection of the depravity of their heart's desire?

Day 2: John 19:12-15, Matt 27:24 and discuss: Was the Jew's condemnation of Jesus a show of their loyalty to Caesar? Why or why not? How was their choice for Caesar to rule over them a utter rejection of Christ? How else has man expressed their hatred of Jesus by their choices? How did Pilate try to remove himself from being responsible for what happened to Jesus? What ways do people try to absolve themselves of their responsibility regarding what to do with Jesus?

Day 3: Matt 27:16, John 8:42-44, John 18:38, John 14:6, Matt 27:22, and discuss: What ways was Barabbas a counterfeit of Jesus? How does Barabbas represent us in our fallen state? How is Jesus being exchanged for Barabbas a picture of salvation?

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