Enigmatic Lesson on Men’s Self-Worth and Women (MrE)

4 years ago

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The main problem with pedestalization the way I see it is it diminishes one’s self-worth and elevates women to an unrealistic standard that they can never reach, all the while short changing one’s own accomplishments and identity. By pedestalizing you are focusing on someone’s else identity rather than developing your own. As we all know at this point women are followers and by not developing yourself as a man you are not working on critical leadership skills that are essential for any relationship to work.

This perfect idealization damages a man’s self-esteem by seeking one’s self worth in getting the approval and validation of women. This false sense of currency distorts the actual truth; that what should be looked at is a man’s merits and what accomplishments he has done in his life and how the wider community of men view him.

This is the real metric you should be viewing yourself. In practical terms the question you need to ask yourself is “are you happy in your life currently?”, but to answer this question you must take women out of the equation as they are largely irrelevant to one’s happiness, women only augment it. So you should be asking yourself; are you in a career that you enjoy doing? are you doing hobbies that you enjoy? These are the questions you should be asking yourself to determine your self-worth. Men innately understand and know if another man is or isn’t living his best life as we can generally tell by weekly watering hole confessions at a bar or just facial expressions.

Through Hollywood and just general modern society teachings; determining one’s self worth through women can be extremely damaging to young men which is carried on later in life and I feel has lead to many of America’s societal problems from loneliness to mass shootings, or just murder suicides of families; as men are taught from cradle to grave that “you aren’t anything” if you don’t meet the idealistic standard society has laid out for you and that is getting the approval of women.

Single men are often demonized and branded untrustworthy once they reach a certain age. Some of this may be choice, more often than not this is no fault of their own due to the unrealistic standards some women have of men. Bob himself can relate to this. This creates a negative feedback loop where as a man you feel inferior all because you have struck out in the dating game, all but ignoring very valid accomplishments in other areas of life.

Watch the video for MrE's lesson on where men's self-worth should come from.

I didn’t marry to validate my self-worth, but life is better with my love beyond the sea.

#MensSelfWorth #Validation

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