Racist Berkeley - Pregnant Men - Socialism Destroys Countries

1 year ago

Off-campus UC Berkeley student housing bans white people from common areas

An off-campus housing co-op for University of California, Berkeley students bans white people from entering common spaces to “avoid white violence” — sparking criticism that the policy inflames racial tensions.

The five-story, 30-room “Person of Color Theme House” near the school requires students to declare their race when signing in and to announce when they’re bringing white guests in to the building, according to house rules leaked on Reddit.com.


“No, I don’t think men can get pregnant”

Hearings before legislative committees are usually as boring as sawdust. Then again, every once in a while one can lead to a moment of explosive revelation. That is exactly what happened yesterday when a witness before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary went after Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., over who can and cannot become pregnant.

In an exchange that went almost instantly viral, Sen. Hawley asked Khiara M. Bridges, who teaches law at the University of California, Berkeley, about references in her testimony to “people with the capacity for becoming pregnant.”


Gavin Newsom savagely mocked as ‘disgusting transphobe’ for claiming men can’t get pregnant at abortion rally

Conservatives on Twitter had a field day Wednesday bashing Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., for getting his far left talking points all mixed up. At an abortion rally, he denied that men can get pregnant, which goes against current woke ideology.


5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies

Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.


How Socialist Policies Destroyed His Home Country of Venezuela

Two decades ago, Venezuela was a thriving country. Today, Venezuela is ranked 176th on The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, just above North Korea.

How did Venezuela fall from prosperity so quickly? How did socialist policies affect the nation’s economy? Is there any hope for its future?


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