Help Them Grow! * Matthew 28:19 * Today's Verses

1 year ago

60-second sermons! Short lessons on today's verses every day! Today's Bible verse is Luke 6:22, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Memorize a Bible verse today! When we remember Bible verses, we are more prepared for whatever the world throws at us.

Matthew 28, verses 16 to 20, is the Great Commission. There is more to unpack in these verses than a 60-Second Sermon can do Justice to, so there will be a more in-depth study soon. For now, we will cover the very basics. In verse 19, Jesus talks to the apostles, but this instruction is for every believer. This instruction aims to grow the kingdom of God by continuing the work Jesus had started in His short 3-year ministry. As believers, we are disciples of Christ. This verse says we are also disciple-makers. Our purpose in this instruction is to share the good news of Christ with others, lead new believers to baptism, and help them continue to mature as believers.

00:00 Bible verse - Matthew 28:19
00:10 Bible verse lesson - Matthew 28:19
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Why should we memorize today's verses? Here are five reasons to remember today's bible verse:

1 - The Bible tells us to. Colossians 3:16 says, "Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts." (New Living Translation). Our verses for today are intended to help you fill your life with God's words.

2- Jesus quoted Bible verses from the Old Testament more than 150 times, demonstrating why it is essential to remember a verse today. When we remember Bible verses, we see the difference in our lives as we witness for Christ and demonstrate God's love and wisdom.

3- the Sword of the Spirit mentioned in Ephesians 6 is the word of God, Bible verses! When we memorize Scripture, it equips us with the Word of God to defend ourselves against the enemy's will.

4 - Jesus instructs us in the Great Commission, Mathew 28:16-20, that we are to continue the work He started by spreading His message of salvation to the ends of the earth. Today's Bible verse helps us remember His word when we need it to fulfill this instruction from Him.

5 - Scripture is God's wisdom to help us live more productive lives as we fulfill our purpose for His kingdom. God's word is alive, and when we remember a verse, it will help us experience all that means in our life. As we remember verses, we are more prepared for biblical living.

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Watch today's verse videos as often as you need to as you memorize Scriptures. It will help you grow closer to Christ. You will love how your relationship with Jesus improves every time you remember verses. So, remember God's word, and before long, you will be filled with His word and prepared for anything life brings your way.

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Here are a few more Bible memory verses to show the importance of remembering Bible verses.

"I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11 New Living Translation)

"Fix these words of mine into your mind and being, and tie them as a reminder on your hands and let them be symbols on your forehead." (Deuteronomy 11:18 The NET Bible First Edition)

"Bind them on your heart continually; fasten them around your neck. When you walk about, they will guide you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; when you wake up, they will talk to you." (Proverbs 6:21-22 The NET Bible First Edition)

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