Need to Know News (23 August 2022) with Joe Olson and Virginia Young

1 year ago

Putin warns of the potential for a nuclear catastrophe where the Ukrainians are bombarding the largest nuclear power plant in Europe in (what appears to be) a deliberate attempt to bring about a meltdown and radioactive leakages but several political figures (in the UK and in the USA) are stating that, should radiation contaminate NATO nations, then that would lead to the invocation of Article 5 (mutual self-defense) in response, where Russia would then be forced to retaliate on a massive scale, which would not be a welcome outcome for the United States specifically and the West generally. Trump's legal team is asking for a legal master to be appointed to sort out the materials taken from Mar-a-Lago to ascertain what should be returned as having been improperly taken. Indeed, an experienced expert in law enforcement suggests this raid was extraordinary and historically unprecedented and where, as he explains, it should come as no surprise if charges are lodged against him. The Inflation Reduction Action, which does nothing to reduce inflation, makes Democrats running for reelection vulnerable targets, where every Democrat voted for it. The idea of making our diets bug-rich turns out to be toxic, since insects have an ingredient that does damage to human beings that are going to promote depopulation--so it should come as no surprise that the WEF and NWO are promoting it. Electric car owners are having problems charging their cars, not only because there are too few charging stations but because it takes hours to recharge them, which is a major downer.

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