How to Make Future Plans with a Filipina-Important!

4 years ago

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina

How to make future plans with your Filipina-It's Important! It is clearly important to have basic knowledge of the Filipina you want to marry or have married, and it is important to have commonality in important areas and having good relationship skills is a must. If a couple aren’t on the same page for their future plans, that needs to be worked on. I have heard it said that a team is only as strong is its biggest weakness. If a foreigner marries a Filipina, they may have a lot going for them, but if their weakness is their future plans being the same, that would spell trouble. Does this make sense?

Please subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea where I will talk about anything I am learning that would help a foreign man excel with a Filipina. I know from experience how wonderful and exhilarating it is to go to the other side of the world to find the wife I have wanted a very long time. All the communication, adjustments, travel, meeting the family, visa paperwork and fees. You tell yourself it is all worth it when you are together, and that’s true. Eventually the bloom comes off the rose and the usual challenges of two sinful people show up. We all go through that.

As I say that, I think how many couples end up not even having a future as the relationship gets short circuited due to any number of things, one of which could be your future plans not being in sync. Naturally, when you marry a Filipina it will be awhile before the topic of future plans really becomes urgent. I am not sure exactly how important it is to talk about that when dating because you are usually focusing more on the present and the immediate future and it is possible you haven’t thought that far ahead.

Be willing to step out of your comfort zone-
Be open to new circumstances-
Give and take-
Consider your place in life-
Consider her place in life-
Consider what she means to you and what she did for you-
It may be better than you think-
It doesn’t always have to be 50/50-

Watch this video for some help with making future plans with your Filipina wife. I am excited about my future with my Love Beyond The Sea!

#Filipina #FilAmMarriage #FilAmLife #FilAmLIfeUSA

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