Mind Control and Psyops

2 years ago

Credits to the channel Sarah Westall: https://odysee.com/@sarahwestall:0
May 9th, 2022 | Mind Control & Psyops - They are Really Good At It, Understand How They Control You: https://odysee.com/@sarahwestall:0/False-Flags-presentation:3

This video is an excerpt from a presentation that Sarah Westall gave at Jim Fetzer's False Flags and Conspiracy Conference of December 2021. She has entitled it "Mind Control and Psyops: they are really good at it - understand how they control you".

Clinical psychologist Prof. Mattias Desmet has explained his theory of mass formation psychosis in his book entitled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" (https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/its-time-to-take-a-stand-matthias-desmet/), but unfortunately Dr. Desmet seems unaware of the electromagnetic mind control weapons that are now fully available.

Whistleblower physicist US Lt. Col. Tom Bearden wrote in 1991 that “This technology will give us the capability to engineer reality itself — both physical reality, life and mind — And we will be able to engineer it to be either a heaven or a hell; the choice is up to us.” Thirty years later, we are targeted by these weapons and almost no one is talking about it. This is how "mass formation psychosis" happens in the 21st century.

It is way beyond time for us to wake up to what is going on and Sarah does a great job of explaining this technology. Note that when "covid" was alleged to have broken out in Wuhan, China, the world's biggest (five times the size of New York) extremely low frequency (ELF - up to 20 Hz) had just been completed in Hubei Province, which is exactly where Wuhan is located. And as we all know, 10 thousand 5G antennas had also just been switched on in Wuhan.

Related videos:
Barrie Trower Interviews: 1) ICATOR Conference interview (17.6.22); 2) Microwave weaponry's use on people explained (5.12.12) (https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/barrie-trower-icator-conference-interview-with-alison-smith/)
Karen Kingston Plays Video of Prof James Giordano, Georgetown Univ, Chief of Neuroethics Program Discussing How to Hijack Leaders and Create Nanotech Cloud to Create Epidemic Strokes (Part 1) (https://banned.video/watch?id=62c50b4610391666730563f7)
Dr. James Giordano videos: 1) Battlescape Brain: Military & Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science (11/20/20), 2) The DARPA Pandemic Assassination Program (https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/dr-james-giordano-battlescape-brain-military-and-intelligence-use-of-neurocognitive-science-video-nov-20-2020/)

My website is available at ForLifeonEarth: https://forlifeonearth.life for more information on my work:

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