SHOCKING: White Embalmer Clots Are Self Assembling Circuits (August 23, 2022)

2 years ago

Health Ranger Report -2022-08-23 - SHOCKING: White Embalmer Clots Are Self Assembling Circuits

Dr. Jane Ruby Show –. The results are in…Board certified embalmer and funeral director, Richard Hirschman’s bizarre and mysterious white clots pulled from sudden death in C19 jabbed cadavers, are no longer mysteries, thanks to the work of microscopy expert and Brighteon TV founder, Mike Adams. The most definitive finding is that these white thick castings taken from the arteries and veins of the injected dead are not blood clots and they are highly metallic, electrical conducting circuits and Mike Adams is here today for a stunning 2-part interview and the show wraps with a look at the real meaning of Biden’s March 2022 EO, that plans a take over of digital currency by years end...for your health? This is the Dr. Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth In Medicine.

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