E12 Crew Time. Catamaran Prep for Offshore Sailing. Lagoon 420 Good Life. Bahamas Express

4 years ago

We've never been apart for more than a few days. Now we're looking at seven weeks! Lisa will be home keeping the business going and Dave will be crewing Mark's Lagoon 420 'Good Life' on our mission to move the 42' catamaran from her summer home in the Sassafras River Marina near Georgetown Maryland to her winter destination in Georgetown Bahamas.

Thank you for the opportunity Mark!

New camera gear, a finicky new gimbal, new mics and foul weather gear, and barely any room for clothing in the new dry bag, packed and ready, it was time to join Mark and Bernard in Toronto, and fly to Pittsburgh to meet up with Brian, who flew in from the UK to join us.
We jumped in a rental car and headed for the marina.

There's a lot of work to be done to prep her for her journey down the river to the Chesapeake and out into the coastal US Atlantic ocean for her journey south.
Fluids and gear needed to be checked, and several trips to grocery stores, and marine shops were required to get us prepped. We had a couple of days before the weather would be good to go and we put them to good use.

Our opening and closing song is Who We Are by Miah
Check out his band NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN! They are awesome http://nineteeneightyseven.com/

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Date: Oct 19, 2019
Location: Georgetown Maryland.

Do you have a system for pre-trips and for coming out of storage?
We are always looking to learn

We love to hear from you!
Lisa & Dave

#BoatLife #Catamaran #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #Sailboats
© Sailing Dark Angel 2021

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