My Biggest Surprise Marrying a Filipina

4 years ago

There are many surprises marrying a Filipina, I will talk about the biggest one for me. Retirement Playlist Younger Wife Playlist

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I’m going to list some things that have surprised me in the time I’ve known my Filipina wife, and tell you which has been the biggest surprise to me. These will be good surprises. Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea, take a cruise tour of the the website and leave a comment here or over there in the Community Corner. Remember to be notified for upcoming videos.

In May of 2015 I was united in wedlock to a woman that 55 days earlier from almost 10,000 miles away I didn’t even know existed. You aren’t going to find that marriage strategy advised anywhere, especially factoring in a large age gap and different culture. We both decided to get married after spending a lot of time on line.

Eight months after getting married my wife arrived in America. Looking back, it is surprising we got married this way, as it didn’t seem like it was that quick. 55 days before we got married, I would have thought the idea of making an international flight would be outrageous, but I did because that’s where the Filipina I wanted to marry lived. Go where you’re wanted, that’s what I did.

One would think I would get blindsided from something I didn’t see coming, such as something about her personality that I didn’t notice when we were in person in the Philippines. Naturally, both of us have seen additional sides to each other since we’ve been married. Since we are committed to each other, we need to work through anything that comes up.

It is not at all a surprise there are times we reveal something new about our personality, after all, if you aren’t in stressful situations you won’t know how you are going to respond. So not much of a surprise there, we continue to learn about each other. Watch the video to see my biggest surprise marrying a Filipina.

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #MarryingAFilipina

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