What I look forward to Most in my Fil-Am Marriage

4 years ago

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I’ve said many good things about how I feel about my Filipina wife and today I will reveal what I look forward to the most. Please subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea and bookmark lvbts.com for relationship help that isn’t exclusive to Filipinas. Podcasts will be added to the website. Young men should consider going where they’re wanted, exploring their options or they won’t be in a position to experience what I want to talk about today-what I look forward to most in my marriage to my wife, who is from the Philippines.

Any man who marries a Filipina from the Philippines is making a great effort to secure a commitment from her. I can hardly believe I jumped on four planes just to get to her home city to meet her for the first time and marry her while I was there. Some men have made multiple trips to the Philippines. There is a financial commitment, he has to be patient as the spousal visa can take six months if it goes by rocket fast, but can take a year.

He looks forward to finally being with this woman every day and building a life together. He might not look forward to the narrow-minded opinions of some people, but he is even willing to subject himself to that.

I looked forward to finally having someone to live with each day and doing anything I could to make their life better. Having someone to go do things with was unattainable when I was single but now, we just need to talk it over and decide what we want to do.

We’ve been to Paris, we’ve been to Tokyo, we’ve done some sight seeing around here, and the Philippines several times together. Oh the memories. Watching a show together is fun. Having someone to start and end your day with is something to look forward to.

Watch today's video and maybe one day you can be able to say the same as I do.

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #FilAmMarriage #FilAmLife

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