Hells Angels MC vs. Bullshit MC: A Danish Rocker War! [June 3rd, 2022]

2 years ago

I can only post an Bitchute and Telegram now - Why?
Because I'm 'Conspiracy Theorist' Right!

Note: Welcome to my Fucking World :)
When I was born in 1964 my mother lived in Christianshavn right beside Christiana.
Me and my little sister played in Christiana when we were kids.
We then moved to the area called 2400 Kbh Nv also in Copenhagen.
When I was about 14-15 years old I run away from home and lived in a 'Youth Pension'.
When I was 17½ years old I got my own little apartment and have managed myself since.
When I was about 15-16 years old were we started smoking Hash I 'worked' a little bit for Hells Angels.
Hells Angelss Headquarters was and still are in the same area, 2400 Kbh Nv, first Titangade and then and still today in Svanevej, Copenhagen.
I remember the 'War' what was about the money the make from selling Hash on Christiana.
I've been coming in Christiana for about 43 years now.
Today I still know some Hells Angels people in person.
I Fucking grow up in this 'environment'!
Today there is several Rocker Groups here in Copenhagen Denmark who sell Hash on Christiana.
Tomorrow I again have to go to a 'interrogation' aka 'Party hearing' with the Fucking lying Police regarding my court case no. 5.
Everything will be audio recorded and documented and possibly shared publicly later, depending on what the Police decide

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=danish&kind=video&sort=new

In between the years 1977 and 1988, the first part of the great biker war between members of Hells Angels MC and Bullshit MC was fought in Denmark. It caused 12 people to die and made Hells Angels MC Denmark the leading Motorcycle club in Scandinavia.

This was the spark that later would cause the war between Hells Angels MC and Bandidos MC, in what has been dubbed the Great Nordic Biker war.

This is Hells Angels MC vs. Bullshit MC - The First Danish Biker War.

Jørn "Jønke" Nielsen - Daria.no
Bullshit (motorsykkelklubb) – Wikipedia
Bullshit (motorsykkelklubb) - Wikiwand
Vi dræbte i selvforsvar – Ekstra Bladet

History with Magnus.
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