A word about heat treated citrine vs. natural citrine crystals–A reason for everything

2 years ago

There is always a reason for everything. Even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time, or it isn’t pleasant to go through, there is some nugget of growth or expansion—something our eternal soul chooses to experience for the benefits we will gain.

And there is a wisdom in working with all types of crystals, whether altered by humans or completely earth created and expressed.

If you aren’t called to the above stone, then it isn’t for you. But if you are, then you should work with it, despite what some people might say about it. (Isn’t that always the way?)

Even crystals that are grown in a lab (unlike this one) have a purpose that can be helpful on our path if we are called to them. And despite my slight in the video, I don’t even call them fake. Cuz nothing in life is black or white. And “there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

The truth is, most citrines are chemically transformed from amethyst to citrine through high heat and pressure. The result is a reaction that oxidizes the trace amounts of iron within, and can even be reversed. This process can happen naturally inside the earth, or once they are pulled out of the ground.

You can tell they are baked if you have a citrine in cluster formation or if it is especially brash in its color. But often due to this process you’ll find a rainbow within. Hmm… just like life.

Is it better to work with the natural stone? Sure, in many cases it is. That doesn’t mean there may not be a reason you should work with a human altered one. Who among us haven’t been drastically changed by some experiences in our lives? Perhaps this stone will help you make peace with that. Or even teach you how to alchemically change when desired or needed. 🍃

Please forgive any slight misspoken bits… I did this on the fly, just like when I teach and speak.

If you’d like to learn more about crystals and crystal info, check out my book "Connecting with Crystals" by Laurelle Rethke at book sellers everywhere, or join me for my 9 Week Virtual Crystal Healing Certification starting April 12th (https://laurellerethke.com/chc).

For more information on me, visit TheFaerieDen.com or 5SenseHealing.com

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