Stones for Empowering Rebirth & Renewal–Spring Equinox 2022 Crystal Sale and Info w/a Crystal Expert

2 years ago

Happy Spring Equinox!!
If you missed the Spring Crystal Insta Live Sale, so did a lot of other folks 😂 so there are plenty of items to choose from this time. If you’d like one, take a screenshot and DM me on instagram, or leave a message below.

This sale features stones and crystal info for Empowering Rebirth and Renewal. These crystal beauties, elixirs and jewelry items were hand selected to assist you through major transitions during changing times—with an alchemical slant for raising your vibration. ☀️💚✨

Speaking of alchemy, we also introduce new gem elixirs created by Maryl of @joyblendedhealing, exclusively at @thefaerieden. We have her on chatting about them near the beginning @4 min mark. Stone elixirs paired with water activated by galactic events and pyramid technology—you’ll definitely want to check them out!! 🌟🌿

And then of course amazing crystals for a little over two hours with plenty of crystal healing info, and jewelry (@135 minute mark) to empower your daily journey. 💛💚

Blessings and lots of spring love to you all! 💚

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