The Australian CV19 Vaccine Rollout comes full circle 2022

1 year ago

The Beast Obama. Movie split trailer 2017...(Barry)

Morrison and (84) Year old Jane get first shots Pfizer Poison? So they would have us believe. 21.2.21 to get the ball rolling.

(Carefully scripted - Staged event)

Sunday 21st February 2021. Jane gives the world the two fingered salute. While Morrison gives the so called V for victory sign. Its really a ancient Occult sign for the Devil. Pagan sign in its origins. Demonic.

Revelation chapter 13 14 15 says to me to get "Victory" over the beast and the "number of his name". Can't do that if you don't know what it is can you? Well now you know!

Bible suggests Not to become a VICTIM too it.

Monday 22nd February 2021 Official rollout begins of the covid shots to emergency, border, and health professionals. To stop the spread, flatten the curve. Yeah all those LIES....

2022 Narrative says it all.
Brett Sutton. "CV Vaxx does not stop infection, transmission, but get your Pfizer Paxlovid as your next cause of treatment."

22nd February 2021

+ 13 Days 18 Months (Revelation 13:18)

= Monday 5th September 2022

Official rollout of MRNA Moderna poison shot for the Last target age group 6 Month to 5 Years of age.

Democide sanctioned and proudly brought to you by..

Your Australian Government agencies

The TGA and ATAGI.

The Vaccine with every shot kills your natural immune system.
Makes you biologically a ticking time bomb.

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