Who knew… Comedian DeSantis does Biden impression…

1 year ago

Who knew… Comedian DeSantis does Biden impression…

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To the odd crowd of anti-DeSantis guys out there… exactly why are you anti-DeSantis? What evidence do you have that he is a RINO or “GOPe?” I am hard-core MAGA Trump-supporter, but I still very much like DeSantis (personally, I’d love to see a Trump-DeSantis ticket, although I’d hate to see DeSantis leave Florida). I do not understand the hate and distrust. Please, provide evidence he is not the patriot he very much looks like. I believe we need Trump to root out the swamp put the country on the right track and then have 8 years of DeSantis for...
Source: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/comedian-desantis-does-biden-impression/

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