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Clo.Mornings the Cowboy and the Opera Rogues

2 years ago

Cafe Locked Out Presents The Opera Rogues

“Rogue Bulls are born on remote cattle stations, unaware of humans. They take it for granted that they are free and so they roam the bush accordingly, unaware that once the musterers find them, they will capture them and send them to the abattoir, for the farmer’s goal is to breed a docile herd, full of compliant cows that are easier to manage. Yet around their camp fires the only cattle the musterers talk about with reverence, are the rogues.”

The Opera Rogues.

Throughout the last year, when we were interviewing Australians everywhere, we were approached by Opera Singers who, for their own reasons, had become segregated from their community.

So now, back in Melbourne, we have contacted these exceptionally talented and renowned artists to see if they will allow us to bring them to a new stage and to you.

They have agreed.

These artists are

Grace Bawden
Benjamin Martin
Dmitri Pronin
And Ayse Göknur Shanal

The night will be an eclectic mix of classic Opera songs, rarer Opera songs and maybe even some Bee Gees numbers. And because they are all willing to pay the price of their own principles we are calling them The Opera Rogues.

So on Saturday the 3rd of September, prepare yourself for a moving night of fun, with a goal to allow the talent of these Artists to fill your soul.

Alex Theatre St Kilda
Level 1, 135 Fitzroy Street
Grand Boulevard

Sept 3 2020

Time 7pm.

Book Now trybooking

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