1 year ago

We are in the last 7 days of the Season of Basilisk so its anointing of death is coming to an all time high! CRESCENDO! These are the last days of the year the enemy can hinder people from moving out and through spiritually. So if you are stuck/ your going to have to pray, ask God what you need deliverance from and hopefully that will be enough to move you upwards.
This is a season where the enemy is trying to WEAR OUT THE SAINTS through mental exhaustion but the SOUND MINDED – we are being told to be SOBER/ VIGILANT, FOCUSED on Christ with HIS mind in this hour! So that the demonic arrows don’t penetrate!
We are seeing a GNASHING of Teeth in people like the true remnant has never seen before to the point that I am seeing people begin to AVOID people. Because the healthy ones are so fed up/ tired of the dysfunction of the people who have CHOSEN NOT TO GET WHOLE!
They don’t get along with anyone and yet they are always pointing fingers at the ones who are getting whole because they see the power of God on their vessels and hence, their pathetic heart conditions drive them for power, instead of wholeness. AND wholeness would SOLVE ALL THEIR PROBLEMS- from the bad heart conditions that causes God not to answer their prayers, to the place of Destiny God wants to place them into!
Because A LOT of leaders are thinking/saying in this hour:
“I can’t walk your walk for you, you have to AT LEAST TRY to get free so that you can be all that God means for you to be- and getting angry at obedient vessels won’t take you anywhere but to an early grave/ or to hell for touching the anointing the wrong way! REMEMBER; JUDGEMENT IS HERE!
THIS is a demonic strategy to get the sheep taken out before their time! So from here on out you will have to begin to think OFFENSIVELY- not DEFENISIVELY – but by being PROACTIVE! And so many are caught up in their emotions (proof they need deliverance- because the emotions are FLESH BASED) that they have been entrapped by their feelings/and disobedience. FEAR is a powerful thing when we refuse to deal with it! And fear is the devils playground to keep the sheep imprisoned!
I SAY: DO IT AFRAID- BUT DO SOMETHING TO GET YOURSELF STEPPING FORWARD IN CHRIST so you can continue to climb higher! AND QUIT using the excuse of your own dysfunction when you see success on other vessels to JUSTIFY your own bad heart condition! God is saying “If you had come to me when I called I would have gladly cleaned you up as well, but because you thought you knew more than I- I MOVED ON!- Because I am on a timeline----a schedule and those that don’t’ keep up will get left behind in this season!”

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