[Laborem Exercens] Chapter 5 - Elements for a Spirituality of Work

2 years ago

Follow the Full Series Here:
[Laborem Exercens] Chapter 1 Introdcution- https://tinyurl.com/2p9xyesy
[Laborem Exercens] Chapter 2 Work & Man- https://tinyurl.com/4sb6swz3
[Laborem Exercens] Chapter 3 Conflict of Capital & Labor- https://tinyurl.com/5n6k7t8u
[Laborem Exercens] Chapter 4 Rights of Workers- https://tinyurl.com/5achk4hz
[Laborem Exercens] Chapter 5 Spirituality of Work- https://tinyurl.com/347bfbem

An audio presentation of the third section of Pope St. John-Paul II 1981 Encyclical Laborem Exercens: On Human Work commemorating the 90th anniversary of Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum.

In Chapter Five, John-Paul II has already reflected on the necessity of work and it’s place in salvation history; the objective reality of work and its subjective impact upon a person: how it informs the person who works who they are; and, now JP II further elucidates a Spirituality of Work. The activity of work and how through work we participate in the very act of creation itself.

God desires that we participate in the work of creation. Through our work, our activity, we help bring about the realization of creation. This is what makes work a vocation, and therefore emphasizes the need to discern God’s will for our work. Additionally, our work, our advancement as a society should not be seen as in competition with God, rather the great works we accomplish are of His will. Of course this last sentence really needs some disclaimers since not all human activity is good or beneficial to the unfolding of creation. This is why discernment is key.

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