Severe storm with heavy hail hit eastern Thessaloniki (August 23, 2022)

2 years ago

A potent storm with heavy hail hit Thessaloniki in the afternoon, August 23, 2022, creating many problems. The roads turned into rivers while in some places the drivers stopped until the phenomena stopped.

The heavens "opened" at about 7 in the afternoon, when the intensity of the rain suddenly increased and lightning started to fall.

Heavy hail then followed, mainly in the east of the city. In a very short time, sidewalks and streets began to flood with people seeking shelter.

The heavy storm stopped after half an hour and light rain continues.
#heavystorm #thessaloniki #lightningstrike #lightning #rainfall
#καταιγίδα #χαλαζόπτωση #κεραυνοί #θεσσαλονίκη #βροχή

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