You're The Cure, January 25, 2021 - Dr. Ben Edwards with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

1 year ago

"On today’s show, Dr. Ben interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, physician and author. Her book, “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”, is one of the cornerstone books that Dr. Ben recommends for people wanting to learn more about integrative medicine/health. Today, the focus will be on her newest book, “Vegetarianism Explained”. You can purchase this or other books by Dr. Campbell-McBride at

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You can find out more about Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride at

Dr. Ben begins by sharing how he has been longing for a book that explained why humans can’t be optimally healthy by eating only plants.

1:14 - Dr. Ben welcomes Dr. Campbell-McBride.

1:36 - Dr. Campbell-McBride shares her educational background and the story of what brought her to where she is today. She goes in to what the GAPS protocol is and why it is useful. She shares how every disease begins in the gut. You can find more information about the GAPS protocol at

6:37 - Dr. Ben responds by sharing how shocking this truth is for most people. The lack of education surrounding nutritional, especially in medical schools, is the cause for this shock.

8:40 - Dr. Campbell-McBride describes the diversity of the gut flora that we are suppose to have and how this community balance is suppose to keep your whole body healthy and well. She goes in to what creates an imbalanced gut flora and how it contributes to the lack of health in a person.

11:15 - Dr. Campbell-McBride goes in to the role glyphosate plays in destroying our gut flora and gut lining.

13:20 - Dr. Campbell-McBride speaks to food intolerances.

14:21 - The GAPS protocol works on healing and sealing the gut wall so that we can actually absorb the nutrients from the food we are eating.

15:08 - Dr. Campbell-McBride gives a detail account on how autoimmune disorders and inflammation develop.

19:15 - Dr. Ben summarizes what Dr. Campbell-McBride shared over the last several minutes.

23:48 - Dr. Ben reads a couple of paragraphs from Dr. Campbell-McBride’s newest book, “Vegetarianism Explained”, and speaks to how powerful her words are.

27:45 - Dr. Campbell-McBride shares what led her to write “Vegetarianism Explained” and the corruption that surrounds the science of vegetarianism.

29:25 - “No creature on this planet can digest plants apart from gut microbes.” Dr. Campbell-McBride explains this in relation to humans and herbivorous animals, and she describes what foods are best digested by humans.

33:00 - Dr. Campbell-McBride describes the importance of fat in the body and how our bodies need animal foods in order to assimilate the building blocks for new cells.

36:00 - Dr. Campbell-McBride contrasts the fats and proteins found in plants versus those found in animals.

37:00 - Dr. Campbell-McBride answers the question, Why do we eat plant foods at all? She also shares how several of her sickest patients are thriving on an animal-only diet.

41:55 - “Veganism is not a diet. It is a form of fasting.” Dr. Campbell-McBride explains this and shares what happens in the body when a person goes on a vegan diet.

48:00 - Dr. Campbell-McBride shares how the vegan propaganda originated.

52:11 - Dr. Ben shares his agreement with all that Dr. Campbell-McBride has shared and how we can sequester all of the carbon since the industrial revolution by using cattle. Dr. Campbell-McBride speaks to this as well. Dr. Ben closes by pleading with the listeners to become fully educated by reading Dr. Natasha’s book and blog at"

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