You're The Cure, February 8, 2021 - Dr. Ben Edwards on the COVID-19 Vaccine

1 year ago

" On today’s show, Dr. Ben gives some updates on the world’s current affairs and does some Q&A.

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Dr. Ben begins by sharing some of the things he plans to talk about today, including adverse reactions to the current covid 19 vaccine. You can find more information about these adverse reactions at

2:21 - Dr. Ben shares about the 501 reported deaths in relation to the vaccine. You can find a good summary article over this at

3:02 - Updates: The Who released two bulletins recently. One was on PCR test, which he discusses. The other indicated we need to change the diagnostic criteria for covid 19. Dr. Ben explains what the bulletin said regarding this.

7:53 - Dr. Ben goes in to how, historically, a patient is diagnosed with a viral illness.

9:46 - NIH changed their stance on Ivermectin.

10:45 - Dr. Kory has a new webinar from late January on ivermectin and the NIH. You can find that at

11:46 - Dr. Ben takes a viewer phone call thanking him for all he has done to educate the public during this pandemic. He then shares a testimony of his elderly parents using ivermectin for covid 19. He also asks a question about treatments, hospitalizations, and deaths for local hospitals UMC vs. Covenant.

15:19 - Disclaimer and his bias

17:45 - 100 years ago there was no such thing as heart attacks. Why is this?

18:50 - Dr. Ben goes in to how food has changed over the years and some of the findings from Weston A. Prices’s work.

21:40 - Dr. Ben shares why he has been vocal about ivermectin and hydroxychoriquin. He has done this because of the work of doctors, like Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, and others not being readily shared.

24:40 - Viewer question about osteoporosis. Dr. Ben answers with diet and lifestyle advice. (Nourishing Traditions)

30:14 - After the break, Dr. Ben begins by sharing a consent form from one of his colleagues.

33:55 - He goes back to the vaccine adverse event reporting system ( and He shares how this is reporting is done and some studies surrounding the accuracy of this reporting.

36:07 - Dr. Ben goes in to what is and what is not in the vaccine and how it is suppose to work.

38:00 - Dr. Ben shares some independent sites sharing some of the adverse reactions to the vaccine and touches on some of those top headlines. (,,

46:04 - He shares some work from Dr. David Martin educating the public on how the vaccine is actually gene therapy. (

41:45 - Dr. Mordecai Sones shares some of his findings in adverse reactions at

43:43 - Dr. Ben addresses a question that was e-mailed in about using vaccine therapy vs. drug therapy.

45:51 - He touches on vaccine hesitancy.

47:42 - Dr. Ben closes by sharing how quickly our immune system is improved by small changes."

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