Need to Know News (22 August 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

2 years ago

Trump tells us that lawsuits are forthcoming over the FBI's violation of his 4th Amendment rights to have his home secure from unreasonable searches and seizures, where I would bet the law and the facts are going to be on his side. Indeed, we have now (what I have been told to be) the Affidavit that was the basis by one Patrick Byrne, which focuses on a discussion in the Oval Office between the President, Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, and others, on 18 December 2020, about her having a special appointment to investigate foreign interference in our elections, which appears to me to raise no issues that would justify the raid conducted by the FBI. No doubt, more will be coming about this, but it looks to me from my preliminary review that the situation is even worse than originally believed. Republicans are going to cream the Democrats over the Inflation Reduction Act, which not only does not reduce inflation but raises taxes on every earning less than $200,000, in spite of Biden's past assurances that no one making less than $400,000 would see their taxes raised by even a penny! More data out of the UK shows that those who are vaxxed are MORE LIKELY to contract COVID and die than those who remain unvaccinated. More and more of the monkey pox and other maladies that are being deliberately spread in the human population with the intent to kill. And EV subsidies come at the expense of conventional car owners to promote the (scientifically indefensible) green agenda.

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