12 Ways Marrying my Filipina Changed Me

4 years ago

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People say that marriage changes you, and they aren’t talking about an age gap marriage to someone from another country. I married my Filipina wife in May of 2015 so we have been married long enough to have gone through the usual ups and downs and are committed for the long run.

Please subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea for content relating to a foreigner and Filipina relationship with the goal of helping it to be a rewarding one. I am going to list some changes I have made, or maybe it is better said changes that have been made to me, by virtue of marrying a Filipina that caught my eye on March 17 of 2015.

I figured that marrying a Filipina would be a good thing because I believe marriage is a good thing. Having a companion and lover is a wonderful circumstance to be in, just on its own, but I have discovered there is more to marriage than not being lonely and sexually frustrated, and that is it can build up and mature a person.

I would like to think that when God created the first man and woman and gave the woman to the man to be his wife, that it was for more than his happiness and companionship and population of the world, that it was to change or reshape or reform each person.

Later in this video I will explain how marrying a Filipina changes me differently than marrying someone from America. First, I will detail some changes. Your comments are welcome and if you would like, feel free to comment on a way a Filipina has changed you in a good way, if you are dating or are married to one.

Please watch 12 Ways Marrying my Filipina Changed Me.

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #FilAmMarriage #FilAmMarriage

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