Is Time on my side to Marry a Filipina?

3 years ago

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina

Your life is like a vapor that appears for a while then vanishes.

Number your days.

Redeem the time.

Continue or intensify your search for a wife.

Consider how many days you have left and how important find a good wife is to you.

If you are in your 50s like I was, time is not on your side. This means you have to be more proactive in searching for a wife. I had to find mine in another country, something that never had crossed my mind before.

This doesn’t mean you have to lower your standards. You may have to assume more risk in marrying a foreign woman, but there are ways to minimize that risk.

Maybe it is just my personality, but I believe that a man needs to make finding a wife his highest priority at this point in his life, if he says he is serious about finding a wife. It’s kind of like losing weight of exercising; you almost have to be obsessed with it. Time is running out, but…there is still time that has to be used wisely.
In football, at the end of the game if your team is behind, they will use a “hurry up” offense to make up time. They may run different plays, employ different strategy because they are up against the clock and want to win the game!

You can find a wife on Christian Filipina. You’ll have to consider the cost of remaining single, especially as you get older, with the financial cost of marrying a woman overseas and joining an international dating site.

You’ll have to deal with any fear of rejection. If you were like me, you almost expected rejection, whether it be in person or on line. It isn’t that way with Filipina dating sites. I just believe that CF has integrity.

“I am glad I made it a priority to find my Love Beyond The Sea.”

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #IsItTooLateToMarry #FilipinaWife

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